Monday, 18 August 2014

Redditch Morton stanley festival

I went to Hereford in the day to see my friends who have one of my sold puppies, then straight to a festival near town so I needed something comfy but nice and chose my Motel "major" dress, was so busy I didn't get a full body shot but got some pictures.

Top/dress - Motel ; Necklace - Asos ; Jacket - Ebay ; Lipstick - Collection 200 "mudslide"

So awful photo's I know but you get the idea. The items I'm wearing are sold out now but the harrington jacket is easily found on ebay, I paid about £16 for this one rather than the usual £60+ And I've said before how much I love the "major" dress by Motel. Can be worn as a dress or top tucked into shorts/jeans.